COVID-19 Self-Isolation 2020

PIECE Studio is committed to using design as a catalyst for change and to use design to make the world a better place for everyone.

About this project

PIECE Studio generated daily posts that were distributed throughout various social media posts throughout the COVID-19 self-isolation. The daily posts included the month and date as well as the number of days of isolation. The posts also included the daily Food Levels, Morale and Toilet Paper Levels, and each of these had a changing range indicators that moved between high, moderate and low.

The background colors changed each month

Finally the posts included a sentence that remained the same and another one that changed on a daily basis.

Thinking of Everyone Out There Today.” remained the same

Let us Take The Time to Think About The Medical Workers Today.” changed daily

PIECE Studio also produced a Mind.ed Map that chronicled events, news and personal feelings about self-isolation

PIECE Studio is committed to using design as a catalyst for change and to use design to make the world a better place for everyone.