
About this project

PIECE Studio has and continues to work with educators, colleges and businesses. We have been invited to speak at local, national and international design departments, colleges, businesses, cities, municipalities and design and medical conferences. PIECE Studio also runs workshops on topics like how to engage in and with communities, how to develop innovative strategies to provide new business initiatives with communities. We have also developed workshops that embrace entrepreneurship opportunities for academies, businesses and cities.

PIECE Studio has been invited to give keynote addresses and academies and at conferences. If you are interested in having us come and run workshops or talk about our work and/our philosophy about design and design education please reach out to us.


Fabrica Presentation Video

Blow Up the Design School, Communication Arts

Design for Social Change

Around the World


Dance Like You Mean It

Design, Writing, Research 

Risk-Averse Education



This is for Real


Blue Collar Design Theory