Joseph Binder Award

PIECE Studio was selected for a Joseph Binder Award. The award was juried through Design Austria and the ceremony took place in Vienna, Austria.  


PIECE Studio is continually invited to speak in conferences. Middle East Cultivator News Public Interest Design Cultivator, Australia Nanyang institute of Technology, Singapore AIGA Design Conference, Minneapolis  Design Ethos University of East London PICA Design Can Change the World    

Education and Funding

PIECE Studio has been invited to speak about our work and how our projects can further the idea of design for the common good. We have also assisted other organizations to obtain funding. An example of this was in 2009, PIECE Studio was invited to speak at the Baltimore Fund to raise awareness about the […]


PIECE Studio has and continues to work with educators, colleges and businesses. We have been invited to speak at local, national and international design departments, colleges, businesses, cities, municipalities and design and medical conferences. PIECE Studio also runs workshops on topics like how to engage in and with communities, how to develop innovative strategies to […]